Shenzhen City Jin-hyang Crafts Co. Ltd.
- Shenzhen Hill, Guangdong
- Support for printing 珐琅 珐琅 图 processing availability of tickets support for sampling and support for packaging customization AAA levels of integrity processing support for foreign trade orders
Wenzhou City limited liability for household hygiene supplies
- Wengyang County, Zhejiang State.
- (c) Map processing sample processing support for foreign trade orders mattresses plastics regulatory enterprises pvc locking instruments in Wenzhou precision modelling
Youngja County Tiancai Clothes Auxiliary
- Zhejiang Wenzhou.
- Support for foreign trade orders mapping processing clean-up support for packaging customization support for sample processing ticketability leather integrity rating of AA support for printing logo dripping
Ji-mi Universal International Trade (Beijing) Ltd.
- Mi Ji-mi Global Industrial Park, Chi-Yang, Chi-Yang, Guangdong Province
- (b) The 18th in the commercial gift package the 5th in the office list in the Haut City the support for sample processing the preparation of drawings the companion gift the support for stickers ceramics the support for foreign trade orders the support for sample collections metals the availability of tickets the packaging package the integrity level of the AAA the support for printing
Jade Ring Heine Packaging Co. Ltd.
- Zhejiang province, 2 houses 101, 201 in Yu City Street, Zhejiang province
- (b) Sample processing map processing support for sample processing availability of tickets support for foreign trade orders support for packaging customization quality control support for printprinting wading integrity level of AAAA good production environment paper/paperboard plastic tablets in Taizhou
Hangzhou Hung Trade and Industry Co. Ltd.
- Tove Village, Liangzhou, Zhejiangzhou
- Pollable tickets support for packaging customization clean-up support for sample processing integrity rating for AAA support for foreign trade orders clothing support for printing logo good credit rating for sesame