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Carbon fibre, electrostatic brush, printing machine, electrostatic brush, mask, electrostatic, electrostatic.
Carbon fibre, electrostatic brush, printing machine, electrostatic brush, mask, electrostatic, electrostatic.
Carbon fibre, electrostatic brush, printing machine, electrostatic brush, mask, electrostatic, electrostatic.
Carbon fibre, electrostatic brush, printing machine, electrostatic brush, mask, electrostatic, electrostatic.

Carbon fibre, electrostatic brush, printing machine, electrostatic brush, mask, electrostatic, electrostatic.

ManufacturerScratch Scratch Scratch, Punley
CategoryPowerproof products
OriginImporting carbon fibre from Japan
Imported or notYes
Order number001.
ModelIt's done.
Input voltageCC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Power outage timeCC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Outer SizeIt's done.

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